Sunday, November 19, 2017



(A poem of natural wisdom)



Heaven, earth, Tao, Te: natural entities

The nature of Tao, the cause of Te, transforms into the universe

The world, through the ages, vast and numerous

The root cause of Tao and Te regulate norms


A foolish person, obscure to Tao, heart is at a loss

A good person, enlightened in Tao, wisdom is revealed

A foolish person, disobey Te, words and deeds are absurd

A good person practises Te, heart and body are settled

A good person’s Tao and Te, upright energy soars

A good person displays grand beauty; the multitude admires

A good person exalts virtues, conduct approaching goodness

A good person’s song to praise is transmitted to the world


Chapter 1

A good person’s culture adheres to the course of Tao, Te

A good person’s rightful conduct allows all things to take their natural course

A good person stimulates themselves, alive, not ceasing

A good person, with large virtue, supports humans and things and multiplies


A good person, establishing virtue and good conduct, exalts faith

A good person cultivates people; ideals are strong

A good person, knowing themselves, takes a proper stance

A good person does what is right; cultivation is complete


A good person enlightens truth, conduct approaching goodness

A good person pursues beauty, knowing a sense of shameness

A good person is selfless, great love is extensive

A good person sacrifices; values are manifest


A good person, learning, awakening, has no end

A good person, enlightened in Tao, searches for naturalness

A good person, extensively studying all learning, creates novel careers

A good person, better at reflecting, attaches chief importance to practice


A good person who is in a low situation does not forget about the nation

A good person, who is with all right-heartedness and reverence, is a fine and good friend

A good person, who is reverently attentive to the work, upholds duties

A good person, who is engaged with laborious tasks, is ashamed of indolence


A good person, with science, takes off ignorance

A good person, with environmental conservation, protects natural lives

A good person exalts virtues, deeds approaching goodness

A good person’s song to praise is transmitted to the world

Chapter 2

A good person’s culture adheres to the course of Tao, Te

A good person’s rightful conduct allow all things to take their natural course

A good person’s heart of arresting is the same as still water

A good person’s spirit is clear and bright, heart realm is plain

A good person leaves off foolishness; wisdom intelligence is high

A good person extinguishes foolishness, wise heart displays

A good person’s mind is like an empty valley

A good person is natural, no false pretence 

A good person is pure; one’s nature and virtue are excellent

A good person is pure simplicity, returns to Tao’s origin

A good person’s quiet, distant from distain, luxury

A good person makes a life easy to understand

A good person has purity and stillness, heart realm is quiet

A good person, does nothing, wisdom intelligence is dazzling

A good person is soft; backbone is stiff

A good person, without competing, overcomes hard and strong

A good person embodies the Tao, kindness and severity alternate

A good person applies virtues; benevolence and righteousness are seen

A good person exalts virtues, deeds approaching goodness

A good person’s song to praise is transmitted to the world


Chapter 3

A good person’s culture adheres to the course of Tao, Te

A good person’s rightful conduct allow all things to take their natural course

A good person believes in right principles, a wise heart glows

A good person retains constant excellence, words and deeds manifest


A good person, loving and kind, promotes harmony

A good person, righteous, assists the young and the fragile

A good person, with propriety and reverence, honours others

A good person, keeping their words, does not cheat


A good person, a citizen, assists the state’s affairs

A good person, an officer, reverences the heavenly citizens

A good person, a scholar, respects the principle of good manners

A good person, a teacher, presents the most commanding virtues


A good person, a father: a heart of loving-kindness

A good person, a child: filial, humble

A good person, a wife: virtuous, worthy

A good person, a husband, upholds truthfulness, duties


A good person, a brother, friendly love, fraternity

A good person, a friend, sincerity is the first business

A good person, a pure character, promotes conduct of disinterestedness

A good person, aware of shame, glories virtue of excellence


A good person, watching over self, abstains from wicked deeds

A good person obeys rules, solemn and majestic

A good person exalts virtues, deeds approaching goodness

A good person’s song to praise is transmitted to the world


Chapter 4

A good person’s culture adheres to the course of Tao, Te

A good person’s rightful conduct allow all things to take their natural course

A good person, large-hearted, does not allow ridicules

A good person, open-minded, is not resentful of people of worth


A good person, forgiving, does not complain or hate

A good person, enduring disgrace, remains virtues against resentment

A good person, with reverence and respect, is not skillful at quips and jokes

A good person, giving up their own way, is complies first to the rules of propriety


A good person, accommodating, does not flaunt their strenghts

A good person, following the life line, does not hold their own thoughts

A good person, far from desires, extinguishes vain attempts

A good person is satisfying, harmonious, not chaos


A good person hold doubts, not ready to believe

A good person has wisdom intelligence, as the root of conduct

A good person acts in uprightness, does not speculate

A good person speaks cautiously, does not talk in an improper way


A good person is harmonious, conforms, does not dispute

A good person makes friends; a careful judgement and choice

A good person preserves lives; distant from death and slaughter

A good person obeys the law, does not commit crimes


A good person’s great love touches heaven and earth

A good person abhors evil, guards good and upright

 A good person exalts virtues, deeds approaching goodness

A good person’s song to praise is transmitted to the world

Chapter 5

A good person’s culture adheres to the course of Tao, Te

A good person’s rightful conduct allow all things to take their natural course

A good person nourishes lives, with a harmonious body-heart

A good person is distant from wine, beauty, wealth, temperament

A good person’s life answers the heaven and earth

A good person’s work and rest follows the revolving of the sun

A good person’s awaking, sleeping, sitting has its peculiar form

A good person’s eating and drinking has its natural limits


A good person’s play and entertainment does not lose ethics

A good person’s life, a mind of leisure and ease

A good person, diligent and economical, does not waste

A good person, becoming rich, guards bottom lines


A good person, holding honesty, does not repudiate a debt

A good person, obeying rules, follows in awe of the law

A good person does not hold the thought of taking advantage

A good person yields gain to others, gives convenience


A good person advises harmony; speaks orderly reasons

A good person abstains from vulgarity; seek beautiful thoughts

A good person exalts virtues; deeds approaching goodness

A good person’s song to praise is transmitted to the world

  Chapter 6

A good person’s culture adheres to the course of Tao, Te

A good person’s rightful conduct allow all things to take their natural course

A good person often cherishes the thought to benefit the world

A good person dwells on high position, wills of the people on their minds


A good person confers kindness, not asking for compensation

A good person exalts virtues, degrades illusive fame

A good person is candid, no hidden damage

A good person gives thanks, not neglect


A good person is self-confident, far from abasing themselves

A good person succeeds, no absurd desires

A good person is indifferent; success and gain are of little importance

A good person, in the face of difficulties, is roused by boldness and daring


A good person has a quiet conscience; conduct is upright

A good person is hopeful; knowing, understanding, accepting

A good person, being a person, brings positive energy

A good person lives in this world, gives excellence


A good person has no need to be called ‘old’ and ‘young’

A good person who lives long sustains a line of Tao

A good person who is young, Te is pure and abundant

A good person’s is accompanied by Tao, Te throughout their life


A good person obscures the Tao; a thought is bewildered

A good person enlightened in Tao; returns to uprightness and kind

A good person disobeys Te; knowing shamefulness

A good person unites with Te, an glorifies by example


A good person’s pillar of good service erects itself

A good person’s harmony, the nature of goodness is complete

A good person exalts virtues, conduct approaching goodness

A good person’s song to praise is transmitted to the world

Chapter 7

A good person, good manners, good atmosphere

A good person, good thoughts, good deeds and words

Good person, good hearts, good characters

Good person, good stories, good transmissions


A good person of contentment obtain felicitousness

Good persons enjoys safe and sound throughout their lives

Good persons coming in multitudes, a country is strong and prosperous

    Good persons’ righteousness energy; a nation glorified


The revival of the nation, the dream of world

A good persons embodies spirits; contains their passions

A dynamic world, all things are fulfilled

The vast and flowing passion-nature brightens heaven and earth


People living in this world, Tao and Te teach

Tao, Te build dreams, firm belief

The system of the Tao abides long in thousands of years

The singing of the praising chant to good persons has no end

By Shanlin-Tzu