Saturday, January 6, 2018


"Moral wisdom education" should be an issue that concerns and is stressed by all humankind. However, few people today pay attention to it, especially the youths in the current society. Young people often believe that it is a matter of concern with thinkers, philosophers and educationists, and has nothing to do with themselves.

Humankind’s experience proves a nation that lacks in moral wisdom education is a nation without a future! A nation that lacks in moral wisdom education is a nation without hope!
The root of a nation and the soul of a nation are all grounded in moral wisdom education. Our nation has always been known for emphasizing moral wisdom education.
Moral wisdom education improves people’s life quality and life style. Moral wisdom education guides people to attain moral wisdom. Moral wisdom education respects humankind’s moral wisdom as a life spirit. The nature of moral wisdom education is to fundamentally enhance people’s heart-and-body quality. Moral wisdom education will ultimately help people truly understand the very reason for moral wisdom in the natural lives of humankind.
The number of talented persons with moral wisdom determines the overall quality of a nation and its people, as well as the developmental direction for fields such as science, education and so on.
Where do talented persons with moral wisdom come from? They only come from moral wisdom education. The ultimate goal of moral wisdom education is to cultivate a large number of talented persons with moral wisdom for the nation and the society of humankind. These talented persons are equipped with qualifications of moral wisdom. They are self-innovative, self-creative and harmonious in heart and body. Moral wisdom education will inevitably change the future destiny of humankind.  
Currently, the problems due to the absence of moral wisdom education has led to inharmonious phenomenon occurring in our society. Many people have high intelligence but low moral wisdom. The severe imbalance between intelligence and moral wisdom has caused many conflicting phenomena happening in our society. As far as I am concerned, the existence of these conflicts is a result of human problems. Fundamentally, it is a problem of people’s moral wisdom. Therefore, failure to solve the problem of moral wisdom education will greatly impact the future progress and development of the whole humankind and each individual.
Currently, a large number of wise people have already realized the significance of the issue concerning moral wisdom education and have begun to advocate that education shall start with self-moral-wisdom-education. People shall autonomously discover their moral wisdom, autonomously master their moral wisdom, and autonomously apply their moral wisdom. It is only when these actions are taken that people will transform themselves to become the ones with moral wisdom and will use moral wisdom to think, to speak and do things. In other words, they will survive in accordance with moral wisdom. It is only when every individual accepts moral wisdom education that all types of society with ideological diversity, all groups of people with language diversity, and all individuals will be able to possess and sustain a natural, harmonious and happy status - a status of moral wisdom.
Each one of us is equipped with moral wisdom. The only difference dwells in the level of discovery. As the theory of gold hiding underneath the ground indicates, without discovery and without mining, gold will not emerge by itself. Similarly, moral  wisdom is within each individual. It waits for each individual her/himself to autonomously discover,autonomously master, and autonomously apply. Thus, each person can autonomously discover moral wisdom, each person can autonomously master  moral wisdom, and each person can autonomously apply moral wisdom in life practices.
Throughout human history, many thinkers, philosophers, educationists, artists and scientists have always autonomously discovered and autonomously mastered moral wisdom, and  have always autonomously applied moral wisdom to explore moral wisdom education. Evidences show that, it is only through moral wisdom education, hundreds and thousands of autonomously innovative and talented persons with moral wisdom can be created for a society.It is moral wisdom that created the prime artist Leonardo da Vinci in the Western land; it is moral wisdom that created the great thinker and educationists Confucius in Chinese history;and it is moral wisdom that created the scientist and inventor Thomas Edison, who did not own school credentials, but possessed moral wisdom.
Moral wisdom education embraces like sky’s broadness, earth’s profundity, and nature’s simplicity;Moral wisdom education represents humankinds natural characters and their abilities to challenge the conventional way of thinking; moral wisdom education understands that genuine love is a great love moral wisdom, which bestows the very reason for human existence;moral wisdom education is the magic that lets us to not hold on to hardship, but to use the sword of moral wisdom to conquer any difficulties.

In the contemporary world, how many teachers and parents pay attention to moral wisdom education? Some teachers and parents seem to forget about how they spent their childhood. In my perspective, as the main subjects of moral wisdom education, it is not the time to teach children moral wisdom before teachers and parents discover their own moral wisdom, because a lot of things in their minds that are considered to be correct have not yet been approved as truth. Thus, we must never force children to do things that they do not want to do, nor force them to do things or work that are favored by teachers and parents themselves. Research results indicate that one of the main reasons of why children have lost their moral wisdom is due to the absence of teachers' and parents' moral wisdom. How could they inspire children's moral wisdom? Their so-called education philosophy is like a gardener who lost her/his moral wisdom: using their own likeness and perceptions to twist the little tree tat is growing as straight as possible into the shape of an S.  They show and tell their products to others: it is my carefully cultivated arts. Therefore, I advise to parents and teachers: in terms of nurturing and educating children, before your discovery and mastery of moral wisdom do not make the same mistake as the gardener. Of course, here I have a simple and convenient method that parents and teachers might want to give it a try. If you expect children to develop good habits, then teachers and parents shall foremost develop good habits; if you expect to cultivate a responsible child, then teachers and parents shall foremost cultivate themselves to be responsible; if you expect to cultivate a confident children, then parents and teachers shall foremost cultivate themselves to be confident; if you expect to cultivate a child possessing moral wisdom, then teachers and parents shall foremost own moral wisdom. In other words, example of moral wisdom is better than rigid percept.
Moral wisdom is the everlasting existence of origin. It does not differ among nationalities, ethnic groups, or between you and I, home and aboard. As long as we are not interfered by cognition, emotion and will, moral wisdom can be seen in all places. Each one of us shall apply moral wisdom to engage in self-education. When a person truly discovers one's own moral wisdom, she/he will be able to applying moral wisdom to educate her/himself, and will be able to reflect on her/his own life journey. The key here is proper guidance and education. As far as I am concerned, the most advanced, practical and economical educational method is applying moral wisdom to self-education and becoming a person with moral wisdom. When moral  wisdom is mastered, teachers and parents will no longer experience confusion and pain; or engage in extreme behaviours due to the absence of moral wisdom, such as verbal and physical punishment.On the other hand, teachers and parents with moral wisdom will always follow children's developmental paths, inspire children to discover their own moral wisdom, master their own moral wisdom and apply their own moral wisdom, and guide children to carry out self-education (moral wisdom education).

Education that lacks in moral wisdom is like forcefully locking a bird from the forest into a cage. The little bird will stop eating and will die in a few days. Moral wisdom education teaches us: in the process of education, is it possible for us to take advantage of children's interests to carry out moral wisdom education, and to teach each child to be interested in everything? This way, do we still need to use methods such as verbal and physical punishment or constant  reminders during children's learning processes? Isn't the phenomenon of children obsessed with the internet already sending a message to teachers and parents about the significance of interests for children? Thus, moral wisdom education has absolutely nothing to do with the examination-oriented education that teachers and parents are concerned with: post-graduate entrance examination, obtaining certificates, looking for jobs, and being well ahead of others in the future.   
In my opinion, the main responsibility of parents is to provide good care in children's lives: let them eat well, sleep well, dress well and play well.  Anything beyond these aspects can be left for the children to handle themselves. Of course, before these acts can be taken, we have to foremost guide and inspire children to enter into the status of moral wisdom.  

Engaging in moral wisdom education requires moral wisdom. However, it is not to claim that parents lack moral wisdom. Moral wisdom is within oneself. In everyday life, many parents attend seminars and read books on the topic of parenting to search for the secret recipe of parenting their own child. yet, how many theories in books can be copied and implemented directly? Experts' seminars are to use their moral  wisdom to tell you how to do certain things; parenting knowledge in books illustrates the author's thoughts. The knowledge we learn belongs to others. Why don't you write your own book of parenting? Of course, here we often ignore an important issue: is your child the same as others? Since children are different, how is it possible to use one method to educate your own child? In my opinion, the number of children in the world  determines the number of educational methods we shall have. Yet, the general principle cannot be altered. In other words, we must use all types of methods and strategies to guide and to teach children to understand: never lose moral wisdom. The reason why is because the fundamental principle of moral wisdom education is, first of all, to completely abandon all the useless knowledge and personal experience that are stored in one's mind. Then we will be able to discover the wonder of moral wisdom. It is only on the basis of this condition, we will be able to discuss issues of moral wisdom.

As we all know, anything in this world has laws to follow. Universe and nature has laws to follow; society has laws to follow; and life has laws to follow. It is only when moral when is applied that each person will be able to become truly independent. In areas such as thinking, working and living, each person will be able to reaching to the natural, harmonious and happy status - a status of moral wisdom.

The nature of engaging in moral wisdom fundamentally enhances people's heart-and-body quality. Moral wisdom education will ultimately teach us to understand the authentic meaning of human existence. Happiness is a heart-felt experience of moral wisdom. A truthful, good and beautiful heart is bathing under the sunshine of moral wisdom education. They demonstrate the highest aim and excellent realm of moral wisdom education.  
Moral wisdom education is an education to enhance life quality and style!
Moral wisdom education is an education to guide people to attain moral wisdom education!

Moral wisdom education is an education to respect people's morally wise life spirit.

Friends, for the establishment of a community of shared future for humankind, and the fulfillment of the dream of the world for a path of peaceful development, let us hold hands together to carry out moral wisdom education that is filled with naturalness, harmony and happiness!
Moral wisdom is power, humankind is calling for moral wisdom education!