Friday, April 27, 2018


   (revised by Shanlin-Tzu)

1. 人之初,自然体。性本同,愚后迷。
Humans at their birth
are natural entity.
Their natures are the same;
bewilderment follows foolishness.

2. 童心纯,性无私。存自然,本慧俱。
The heart of the child is pure,
a selfless nature.
Behold naturalness,
original wisdom has its attainment.

3. 童身真,道德熠。育教本,良慧庇。
The body of the child is truth,
the way and the examples glow.
The root of teaching, cultivating,
protection of upright wisdom.

4. 明道性,理乃晰。圣贤人,道德俱。
To realize the nature of the Tao,
clear reasons.
Sages and worthy persons,
the way and the examples have their attainments.

5. 昔孟母,断杼机。育亚圣,智德启。
In olden times, the mother of Mencius
broke the shuttle from the loom.
She taught the second sage;
the virtue of wisdom enlightens.

6. 窦燕山,众善举。五子优,义德启。
Dou of the Swallow Hills
raised good deeds.
His five sons are excellent,
The virtue of righteousness enlightens.

7. 香九龄,能温席。孝于亲,仁德启。
Xiang, at nine years of age,
could warm [his parents’] bed.
Filial piety towards parents,
the virtue of benevolence enlightens.

8.  融四岁,能让梨。弟于长,礼德启。
Rong, at four years of age,
could yield the [biggest] pears.
To behave as a younger brother towards elders,
the virtue of propriety enlightens.

9.  曾宰豕,儿还书。言毕果,信德启。
Ceng Zai slaughters a pig,
his child returns borrowed books.
What he said is what he did,
the virtue of trust enlightens.

10. 养必育,父母事。德树人,慧师育。
To feed, to teach,
parents’ course of duties.
Virtues build humans,
wise teachers teach.

11. 花艳芳,浇根蒂。完美人,慧智育。
To have gorgeous and fragrant flowers,
to water their roots.
Perfect human beings,
are taught by wisdom.

12.  智不博,成才稀。慧不启,愚妄痴。
When intelligence is not extensive,
less promising talent.
When wisdom is not enlightened,
foolishness, fantasies.

13.  玉不琢,难成器。道不明,德用迷。
If jade is not polished,
it is hard to become a thing of use.
If the Tao is not realized,
the use of the Te is lost.

14.  德仁爱,德义礼。德智信,五德誉。
The virtue of charity of heart,
and of duty towards others, of propriety,
of wisdom, and of truth:
five virtues praise.

15.  家庭育,首孝悌。尊长辈,爱姊弟。
The teaching in families,
begins with filial piety and fraternal love.
Respect of elders,
love of sisters, brothers.

16.  学校育,首德立。树人才,开慧智。
The teaching in schools,
begins with establishment of morals.
When the talents are built,
wisdom is displayed.

17. 社会育,首廉耻。忠国家,时进取。
The teaching in a society,
begins with purity, shame.
Loyalty to the homeland,
advancing and seizing their object at all times.

18. 仁爱人,常宽恕。强忧患,敬业职。
Benevolent humans love others,
often forgive.
Putting emphasis on potential challenges,
reverently attentive to the work.

19. 勤俭廉,务实际。重道德,高品质。
Being diligent and economical, disinterested,
prioritizing the practical courses.
attaching the utmost importance to morals,
high quality.

20.  自我育,首慧智。明道体,懂理晰。
Cultivating self
begins with wisdom.
Realizing the Tao’s entity,
understanding reasons with clarity.

21. 知己省,定位世。修养博,正行止。
Knowing self and contemplating,
having a proper stance in the world.
Developing extensively one’s character,
resting in rightful conduct.

22. 悟真理,向善意。求大美,心无私。
Enlightening truth,
the intention of approaching good.
Pursuing great beauty,
a heart has no self.

23. 大爱众,奉献己。做好人,扬正气。
To others, giving great love;
to self, sacrifice.
Conducting oneself to be a good person,
spreading righteous energy.

24. 次章者,为总序。三字经,道德育。
We speak in this chapter,
about the general preface.
Three character classic,
the way and the examples teach.

25.  明道德。悟慧智。中华根,在伏羲.
To illuminate the way and the examples,
to enlighten wisdom.
The root of China,
dwells upon Fuxi.

26.  仰天文,俯地理。自然道,自然理。
To look upon the heavenly bodies,
and to look down distinct lines of the surface of the earth.
Natural Tao,
natural reasons.

27.  自然象,自然义。自然数,自然纪。
Natural forms,
natural representations,
natural qualities,
natural age.

28. 零到九,数理基。十到百,千万序。
Zero to nine,
the base of mathematics.
tens to hundreds,
thousands and tens of thousands.

29. 三才者,天人地。三光者,星月日。
The three forces
are Heaven, Earth and Humans.
The three luminaries
are stars, the moon and the sun.

30. 四时者,春夏季。秋冬接,循环继。
The four seasons
are spring and summer,
then autumn and winter:
they revolve without ceasing.

31. 四方者,定东西。南北定,立中级。
The four points,
set forth East and West.
South and North are set
to stand on the centre point.

32. 五行者,有火水。木金土,阴阳气。
The five elements,
are fire, water,
wood, metal and earth:
energy of Yin and Yang.

33. 十干者,甲癸止。子到亥,十二支。
The ten Celestial branches,
are from Jia to Gui.
From Zi to Hai,
there are twelve branches.

34. 曰黄道,运度次。地赤道,分两级。
In the sky, there is ecliptic;
the unit of time。
On earth, there is equators;
it divides into two poles.

35. 赤道近,温热极。我中华,东北立。
Near the equator
is the tropics.
Our China,
lies at the North-East.

36. 四渎者,淮河济。长江河,水之纪。
The four rivers
are Huai, Ji,
Yongtze, Yellow river.
The sequence of rivers.

37. 五岳者,岱华西。衡恒北,嵩中屹。
The five mountains,
are Mount Tai in the East, Mount Hua on the West.
Mount Heng in the South, Mount Heng on the North;
In the middle stands Mount Song.

38.  植物者,土生起。草木林,遍水地。
The plantations,
grow up on earth.
Grass, woods, forests,
are throughout wet land.

39. 动物者,有虫鱼。有鸟兽,能飞驰。
include insects, fish,
birds and beasts,
that they can fly, gallop.

40. 六谷者,稻粱稷。麦黍菽,人所食.
The six grain
are rice, spiked millet, common millet,
and wheat, glutinous millet, pulses,
by which humans eat.

41. 六畜者,猪犬鸡。马牛羊,人所饲。
The six animals
are the pig, the dog, the fowl,
the horse, the ox, the sheep,
by which humans keep.

42. 次章者,自然事。道理明,知己继。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of nature.
Reasons are understood,
knowing-oneself proceeds.

43. 明道德,要知己。心身衡,德无私。
To illuminate the way and the examples,
it is necessary to know oneself.
Harmony between heart-and-body,
virtues of selflessness.

The one category,
the words of Confucius.
Faithfulness has no two choices,
forgiveness is the one and only.

45. 四维者,载管子。一曰礼,二曰义。
The four moral principles
embody Guanzi’s ideals.
The first one is called rites,
and the second one is called righteousness.

46. 三曰廉,四曰耻。四不张,国乃去。
The third one is called purity,
the fourth one is called shame.
If the four principles are not established,
the nation will disappear.

47.  五常德,首仁义,礼智信,修养俱
The five virtues
begin with charity of heart, duty towards one’s neighbour;
propriety, wisdom, and truth:
character development is achieved.

48. 八德者,忠孝悌。信礼义,廉耻齐。
The eight principles
are loyalty, filial and fraternal duties,
truth, propriety, righteousness,
and then purity and shame.

49. 七情者,怒哀喜,爱欲惧,恶妄起。
The seven passions
are anger, pity, joy,
love, desire, fear,
and then hate.

50. 五色者,青黄赤。黑白分,眼觉识。
The five colours
are green, yellow, red,
black and white, different:
visions recognized by eyes.

51. 五味者,酸苦气。甘辛咸,口觉知。
The five flavours
are sour, bitter,
sweet, acridness and salty:
tastes are sensed by mouth.

52. 五臭者,臊焦气。香腥腐,鼻觉吸。
The five odors
are the smells of rancidity, burning,
fragrance, rank, decaying:
senses breathed in by nose.

53. 八音者,匏土石。革木金,丝竹器。
The eight musical sounds
are yielded by the gourd, earthenware, stone,
skin, wood, metal,
silk and bamboo.

54. 四声者,曰去入。曰平上,听觉愉。
The four intonation
are departing, entering,
even and rising:
a pleasant sense of hearing.

55. 感官敏,德常具。身定位,善处世。
Sense organs are sensitive.
virtues are always equipped.
People taking their proper stations
are better at living in the society.

56. 次章者,心身事。知己明,定位继。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of heart-and-body.
Knowing-oneself is understood,
taking a proper stance proceeds.

57. 明道德,定位立。家和谐,国安基。
Illuminating the way and the examples,
taking a proper stance.
A harmonized family,
the base of the homeland security.

58. 三纲者,上下义。父子亲,夫妇侣。
The Three Bonds
are the obligation between high and low,
the love between father and child,
and the companionship between husband and wife.

59. 三达者,智不疑。仁不忧,勇不惧。
The Three Excellent Virtues are fulfilled.
The wise ones have no doubts.
The benevolent ones are free from anxieties,
and the bold ones from fear.

60. 九族者,高曾祖。父而身,身而子。
The Nine Generations:
great great grandfather, great grandfather, and grandfather,
father and self,
self and child.

61. 子而孙,自子孙。至玄曾,人伦齐。
Child and grandchild,
from child and grandchild,
on to great grandchild and great great grandchild;
the kinships are set.

62. 十义者,人当知。父子恩,夫妇济。
The Ten Obligations
shall be learned by all humans:
there is affection between father and child,
and aid between husband and wife.

63. 兄则友,恭则弟。长幼序,友爱比.
When the elder siblings are friendly,
younger siblings are reverent.
There is precedence between elders and youngsters,
to compete for friendliness.

64. 上级敬,忠下级。应遵序,勿紊逆。
Respect on the part of the superior,
loyalty on the part of the inferior.
We shall follow the sequence,
no chaos, no mess.

65. 关系顺,和平处。修养者,莫轻视。
The harmony among relations,
a condition of peace:
those who develop their character,
do not neglect such.

66. 此章者,处世事。定位准,修养继。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of living in society.
To position oneself in a proper stance,
character development proceeds.

67. 明道德,修养智。慧商高,智力启。
Illuminating the way and the examples,
wisely developing character.
Wisdom quotient is high,
intelligence begins.

68. 欲博学,繁杂惧。贵知要,用适时.
Wanting to attain an extensive learning,
complicated and numerous ideas are frightening.
Attaching the utmost importance to knowing essentials,
applying them at proper times.

69. 三纲领,明德具。在亲民,至善止。
The Three Guides
are set forth illustrious virtues,
to renovate the people,
and to rest in the highest excellence.

70. 八目者,格物起。后致知,后诚意。
The Eight Items
begin with the investigation of things,
then knowledge becomes complete,
then, their thoughts are sincere.

71. 后正心,修身齐。国家治,天下一。
Then, they rectify their hearts,
character development is complete.
Nations and families are rightly governed,
the whole world is unified.

72. 四民者,有农士。有工商,国之基。
The four classes of the people
are farmers, scholars
mechanics, and merchants:
the nation’s base.

73. 六艺者,射乐礼。御书数,古课习。
The Six Arts
are archery, music, rites,
charioteering, reading, and mathematics.
They were ancient learning subjects.

74. 惟书学,今仍习。识字竟,研解字。
It is only learning how to read,
still practiced at the present.
Learn to read,
study and interpret words.

75. 文字者,仓颉制。字象形,载音义。
Letters and character
are created by Cangjie.
They are letters of pictographs,
they carry sounds and meanings.

76. 形画舞,音钟吕。意哲诗,道德寓。
Their structures look like dance drawings,
their sounds like musical tones.
They contain meanings of philosophy and poetry,
they represent the way and the examples.

77. 甲骨始,钟鼎继。大小篆,秦汉隶。
To begin with oracle bones,
then bronze tripods.
Large and small seal script,
the clerical script of the Qin, Han dynasty.

78. 启承体,魏碑石。变正楷,文字序。
A connecting style between the preceding and the following
is the Wei steles, stones.
Transformed into regular script,
the preface of letters, characters.

79. 凡训蒙,须讲细。详训诂,明读句。
In the education of the young,
there should be explanation and elucidation.
Careful teaching of interpretations of commentators,
wisely reading paragraphs and sentences.

80. 为学者,必有初。小学终,四书至。
Those who are learners
must have a beginning.
The “little learning” finished,
they proceed to the four books.

81. 次章者,修养事。学广博,强智力。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of developing character.
To learn extensively,
to strengthen intelligence.

 82. 明道德,首四书。经论语,弟子记。
Illuminating the way and the examples
begins with the Four Books.
The classic, the Analect,
was recorded by the disciples.

83. 孟子者,七篇止。讲道德,说仁义。
The works of Mencius
are comprised in seven sections.
These explain the way and the examples,
and expound charity and duty towards others.

84. 作中庸,子思笔。中无偏,庸无易。
The Zhong Yong was written
by the pen of Zi-si.
Zhong (the middle) being that which has no inclination towards any side,
Yong (the course) being that which has no change.

85. 作大学,乃曽子。自修齐,至平治。
He who wrote The Great Learning
is the philosopher Zeng.
Beginning with cultivation of the individual and order of the family,
it goes on to government of one’s own state and order of the nation.

86. 四书熟,孝经晰。有六经,可读始。
The “Four Books” are known by heart,
the Classic of Filial Piety is clear.
There are “Six classics,”
which now may be studied.

87. 六经者,诗书易。春秋礼,当勤习。
There are Six Classics:
the Poetry, the Changes,
the Rites, the Spring and Autumn Annals, and the Rites of the Zhou Dynasty,
which should be diligently practiced.

88. 夏连易,商归易。文王易,三易齐。
There is the Lian Shan book of Changes of Xia dynasty,
there is the Gui book of Changes of Shang dynasty,
there is the Empire Wen book of Changes of Zhou dynasty,
such are the three systems constituting the Changes.

89. 易三义,日变易。日易简,曰不易。
The meanings of three systems of Changes
are modification,
are easy, simple changes,
and no changes.

90. 书经者,典谟誓。训诰命,六部记。
The Book of History:
the Regulations, the Counsels, the Oaths,
the Instructions, the Announcements, the Changes,
six sections recorded.

91. 周礼者,周公著。著六官,存体治。
The Ritual of the Zhou Dynasty
was written by Duke of Zhou,
in which he set forth the duties of the six classes of officials,
and gave a settled form to the government.

92. 大小戴,注礼记。述圣言,备乐礼。
The Elder and the younger Dai
wrote commentaries on the Book of Rites.
They published the holy words,
and set music and ceremonies in order.

93. 诗经者,赋兴比。风雅颂,号六义。
The Book of Poetry:
straightforward narrative, explicit comparisons, implied comparisons,
airs of the States, royal songs, and praise songs,
which are named Six Representations.

94. 诗神衰,孔圣郁。作春秋,寓褒斥。
When the god of poetry was weakening,
the sage of Confucius was heavyhearted.
Producing the Spring and Autumn Annals,
these Annals contain praise and blame.

95. 三传者,公左氏。谷粱传,春秋释。
The three commentaries upon the above
include that of Commentary of Zuo, and Gong-Yang.
of Commentary of Guliang,
annotates the Spring and Autumn Annals.

96. 尔雅者,辨言意。求经训,先悉此。
The Erya
judges proper meanings of the language.
To seek the lessons of the classics,
the first thing is to familiarize yourself with them.

97. 古圣著,先贤释。十三经,备疏注。
Writings of sages of antiquity
are explained by the worthies of former times.
The thirteen classics
produce notes and commentaries.

98. 左转外,有国语。十五经,群经齐。
In addition to the Commentary of Zuo
there is Guoyu.
The fifteen classics,
all classics are complete.

99. 次章者,修养事。研道籍,启慧智。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of developing character.
Studying the texts,
enlightening wisdom.

100.明道德, 要读子。搓其要,记其事。
Illuminating the way and the examples,
the writings of the various philosophers should be read.
Pick out the important points in each,
and take a note of all facts.

101. 儒家者,有孔思。有孟荀,汉仲舒.
The School of Confucius
includes Confucius, Zisi,
Mencius, Xunzi,
and Dong Zhongshu of Han dynasty.

102. 宋五子,理学始。朱陆争,理心歧。
The five chief philosophers of the Song dynasty,
the beginning of neo-Confucianism.
Debate between Zhuxi and Lujiuyuan,
difference between mind and heart.

103. 明守仁,心学集。三大儒,明清际。
Shouren of the Ming dynasty
is the leading figure in studying the heart.
Three Confucians
existed in the days of the Ming and Qing dynasty.

104. 黄顾王,影响巨。求治道,学用世.
Huang, Gu, and Wang,
generate great impacts.
Searching for the way to govern,
applying knowledge in reality.

105. 道家者,根伏羲。祖皇帝,老子立。
The school of Taoism,
its root lies in Fuxi.
Huangdi is the ancestor,
then Laozi took a stance.

106. 尹喜承,列子继。庄子成,全真继。
Yinxi sought to represent,
Liezi succeeded.
When Zhuangzi was completed,
the Quanzhen School proceeded.

107. 聃道德,尹文始。庄南华,道典集.
Tao Te Ching, the text of Laozi,
Yinwen Zi began to spread,
The Nanhua of Zhuangzi,
these are the Tao texts.

108. 禅家者,华夏立。三家融,慧能集。
The school of Zen,
in China, is established.
The three schools are blended,
it is Huineng who combined them.
109. 花五叶,禅传系。坛经文,透禅机。
One flower with five leaves,
the system of Zen preaching.
The words of Tanjing
reveal Zen enlightenment.

110. 墨家者,始墨翟。兼爱等,主张十。
The School of Mo
began with Modi.
The Universal Love
consists of ten ideals.

111. 创几何,光学理。建墨辩,著墨子。
He created geometry
and theories of optics.
He established the Mo discourse,
and wrote the book of Mozi.

112. 法家者,管仲始。魏李悝,秦李斯。
The School of Legalism
began with Guanzhong.
Then it was Likui of the Wei dynasty,
and Lisi of the Qin dynasty.

113. 鞅重法,申重术。慎重势,韩非集。
Shangyang emphasized legalism,
Shen emphasized Machiavellianism.
Shen* emphasized opportunities.
Hanfei synthesised his predecessors.

114. 名家者,始邓析。惠施龙,辩逻辑。
The School of Names
began with Dengxi.
Then there were Huishi and Gongsun Long;
they held logical discourses.

115. 兵家者,姜尚始。十三篇,兵圣立。
The School of Military
began with Jiangshang.
Thirteen sections of The Art of War were completed,
the god of war was erected.

116. 膑吴尉,留兵籍。兵道精,后世誉。
Sunbin, Wuqi, Weiliao
left books of military.
Their fine methods of military
was praised by later generations.

117. 阴阳家,邹衍始。阴阳说,五德移。
The Schools of Naturalists
began with Zouyan.
The Naturalists were discussed,
the five virtues were alternated.

118. 纵横家,鬼谷子。有苏张,二弟子。
The School of Diplomacy
it was lead by Guiguzi.
There were Suqin and Zhangyi:
Guiguzi’s two disciples.

119. 苏六相,合纵计。战国策,有载记。
Suqin, the Prime Minister of Six states,
the premeditated HeZong.
The Strategies of the Warring States,
by which history records.

120. 杂家者,尸佼始。吕春秋,淮南子。
Miscellaneous Schools
began with Shijizo.
Then it was the Master Lu’s Spring and Autumn Annals,
and Huainanzi.

121. 次章者,修养事。衍道统,启慧智。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of developing character.
Practicing the line of orthodoxy,
enlightening wisdom.

122. 明道德,文明始。四发明,慧智绩。
Illuminating the way and the examples
begins with civilizations.
Four great inventions and
wise achievements.

123. 古司南,蔡侯纸。道火药,活印毕。
The ancient magnetic compass,
the Lord Cai's papermaking,
the Gunpowder method,
and the woodblock printing.

124. 天文道,帝尧始。甘石经,星体建。
The studies of astronomy
began with the emperor Yao.
The classic of Gan, Shi,
establishes the system of celestial objects.

125. 战国时,浑天出。汉张衡,创浑仪。
In the Warring States Period,
there was the idea of Huntian.
Zhangheng of the Han dynasty
invented the Armillary sphere.

126. 夏小正,最古历。太初历,汉武始。
is the calendar of antiquity.
was initiated by the Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty.

127. 为农事,补节气。合阴阳,定闰期。
For agricultural affairs,
the solar term is supplemented.
Harmony between Yin and Yang,
a lunar calendar is set forth.

128. 唐一行,大衍历。元守敬,修授时。
Yixing of the Tang dynasty
created the Dayan calendar.
Guoshoujing of the Yuan dynasty
modified the calendar of Shoushi.

129. 数道理,勾股理。商高测,善用矩。
The theory of mathematics,
the Pythagorean theorem.
Shanggao made a measurement and
was good at using quadrature.

130. 魏刘徽,九章注。割圆术,求周率。
Liuhui of the Wei dynasty
annotated the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art.
seeks for the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

131. 南北朝,祖冲之。精圆周,位第七。
In the Southern and the Northern dynasty,
there was Zuchongzhi.
Zu’s value of pi is precise
to seven decimal places.

132. 化学道,炼丹术。火药燃,热兵器。
The law of chemistry
is in accordance to the methods of alchemy.
Explosives were fueled,
firearms were heated.

133. 瓷故乡,高超技。窑变美,自然艺。
The homeland of porcelain
has superb techniques.
In kilns, the porcelain turns beautiful
from natural skills.

134. 复酿法,节造时。酒质升,领先世。
In the method of repetitive brewing,
timing determines the conditioning.
The quality of the alcohol increases,
a world leading quality.

135. 谷物醋,中华起。天工开,应星记。
Black vinegar from grains
began in China.
The work of Heaven was initiated;
it was recorded by the Star of Ying.

136. 尧舜始,铸铜器。工艺巧,世无匹。
Beginning with Yao, Shun
there was the casting of Bronze ware.
The techniques were artful;
they had no comparisons.

137. 地理道,禹贡书。山海经,广博集。
The method of geography,
written in the Tribute of Yu.
The classic of Mountains and Seas
was an extensive collection.

138. 明霞客,著游记。三十载,察地理。
Xuxiake of the Min dynasty
wrote Xu Xiake’s Travels.
In thirty years,
he observed geology.

139. 古嫘祖,轩辕妻。始桑蚕,创螺丝。
In ancient times, Lei Zu,
the wife of Xuanyuan,
began to implement sericulture,
and invented the silk loom.

140. 丝绸路,兴贸易。佛东来,丝路迹。
On the silk road,
trades were thriving.
The Buddha came from the East.
On the silk road, he left his prints.

141. 水利道,华夏著。郦道元,水经注。
The system of hydraulic engineering
is a renowned invention in China.
wrote the Commentary on the Water Classic.

142. 四水利,郑国渠。都江堰,李冰子。
The four canals of hydraulic engineering
are the Zhengguo canal;
the irrigation system of Dujiangyan,
built by Libingzi;

143. 安丰塘,秦灵渠。大运河,世第一。
and the Ling canal of the Qin dynasty.
The Grand Canal,
ranked number one in the World.

144. 工技道,超慧智。长城伟,秦俑奇。
The law of engineering and technology,
wisdom of superb.
The extraordinary great wall,
and the marvellous Terracotta Army.

145. 文房宝,蒙恬笔。另三宝,砚墨纸。
The Treasures of the Study:
one is Mengtian and his brush,
the other three treasures
are ink, ink stone and paper.

146. 鲁班慧,创新智。工农兵,发明齐。
Luban was wise,
and innovated new knowledge.
Engineering, farming, and military,
he had inventions in all those fields.

147. 赵州桥,李春起。千四百,巍然立。
The Anji Bridge,
it was Lichun who designed it.
After more than fourteen hundred years,
it stands with magnificence.

148. 紫禁城,宏伟巨。明蒯祥,首设计。
The Forbidden City
is majestic, grand.
Kaixiang of the Ming dynasty
was the first designer.

149. 农家道,神农祖。徐行倡,陈相继。
The law of farming
began with Shennong.
Xuxing developed it,
Chenxiang carried it out.

150. 汉氾胜,勰要术。宋陈旉,王祯书。
Fansheng of the Han dynasty,
and Xie advanced the essential skills.
Chenfu of the Song dynasty,
and Wangzhen wrote a book on farming.

151. 农政全,徐光启。五农书,贡献著。
The Complete Treatise on Agriculture
was written by Xuguangqi.
The five agricultural books
were great contributions.

152. 医药道,祖炎帝。本草经,医道启。
The law of medicine
began with the Emperor Yan.
The Herbal Classic,
was the beginning of medical studies.

153. 内经典,出轩岐。秦越人,难经翼。
The Inner Classic,
complied by Yellow Emperor, and Qibo.
gave wings to the Canon of Eighty-One Difficult Issues.

154. 医圣景,伤寒籍。经四部,医典齐。
Jing, the sage of medicine
wrote the Treatise on Cold and Fever.
The four classics mentioned above,
constitute the medical treatise.

155. 汉华佗,晋抱朴。唐药王,精诚医。
Huatuo of the Han dynasty,
Baopuzi of the Jin dynasty.
The master of medicine of the Tang dynasty,
who are doctors of truth and sincerity.

156. 明时珍,本草集。医药本,德济世。
Shizhen of the Ming dynasty
wrote the Compendium of Materia Medica.
It is the foundation of Medicine,
virtues saved the world.

157. 茶道圣,唐陆羽。道茶一,味真谛。
The sage of Tea,
Luyu of the Tang dynasty.
A culture of Tea and tea are the one,
tasting the essence.

158. 次章者,修养事。文化传,启慧智。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of developing character.
Promoting cultures,
enlightening wisdom.

159. 明道德,兴文艺。百花放,德美育。
Illuminating the way and the examples,
striving arts.
Dynamic flowers are blooming,
virtues of an aesthetic teaching.

160. 文艺道,诗经始。楚屈平,浪漫辞。
The law of arts
began with the Book of Poetry.
Quping of the Chu kingdom,
romantic verses.

161. 汉辞赋,乐府诗。唐诗律,宋词意。
Verses and prose of the Han dynasty,
Yuefu’s folk songs,
the regulated tones of Tang shi,
and the meaning of Song ci.

162. 元曲散,小说继。明清代,四名著。
The Qu of the Yuan dynasty was scattered,
novels followed.
During the Ming and Qing dynasties,
there were four Classic novels.

163. 乐道论,汉乐记。五声阶,宫羽止。
The discussion of the law of music
was recorded in the Book of Music.
The scale of five notes,
rested on Gong and Yu.

164. 李龟年,乐圣誉。贤达士,多通律。
was known as the sage of music.
Exemplary persons
were able to recognize the pitch-tubes.

165. 棋道奥,阴阳弈。中和道,万物理。
The law of chess was marvellous
a play between Yin and Yang.
The law of the middle way:
the principle of all things.

166. 围子增,象子失。棋终散,谁胜负。
Weizi was added
Xiangzi was lost.
When the game was over,
who was the winner?

167. 棋道圣,黄龙士。血泪篇,代表弈。
The master of chess,
Huanglong Shi,
The chapter of Blood and Tears
represents the game.

168. 书道圣,王羲之。颠张旭,醉怀素。
The master of calligraphy:
The mad Zhangxu
and the intoxicated Huaisu.

The muscle of Yanzhenqin
and the bones of Liugongquan.
Ou, Zhao, Su,
Huang, Cai and Mi.

170. 画道圣,吴道子。顾画论,奠定基。
The master of painting:
It is the GuKaizhi’s theory of painting
that established the base of the art.

171. 山水维,荆涛倪。徐渭创,泼墨始。
Mountains and Streams, there was Wangwei
Jing, Tao, and Ni.
The invention of Xuwei
let the style of Splash-in begin.

172. 文艺类,载道器。艺进道,求美质。
The category of arts
is the tool to contain the Tao.
When skills are close to the Tao,
it is to seek the nature of beauty.

173. 次章者,修养事。重文艺,载道器。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of developing character.
Attach the utmost importance to arts,
the method to contain the Tao.

174. 明道德,读诸史。道德明,得失知。
Illuminating the way and the examples,
all histories shall be studied.
The way and the examples are illuminated,
success and failure are understood.

175. 神话时,盘古始。立天地,乾坤启。
The mythology culture
began with Pangu.
Creating the Heaven and Earth,
Qiankun came into being.

176. 女娲氏,土黄子。五色补,母爱慈。
used yellow clay to make her children.
Mend with five colours,
mother’s love is mercy.

177. 三皇者,燧人氏。燧取火,德天齐。
The Three Rulers:
Sui fetches fire,
his virtues relieve poverty.

178. 伏羲氏,昆仑居。人文祖,德地比。
in Kunlun, he lives.
The ancestor of humanity;
his virtues have a likeness to the earth.

179. 仰天文,俯地理。创八卦,文字始。
He looked upon the heavenly bodies,
and looked down distinct lines of the surface of the earth.
Creator of the Eight Diagrams,
letters and characters began to be used.

180. 助农耕,定节气。教结网,兴畜渔。
He assisted agricultural plowing,
established a calendar,
taught net-making,
and inspired methods of farming and fishing.

181. 瑟发明,创曲子。礼婚丧,文明始。
He invented Se, the musical instrument,
and composed songs,
and ceremonial rites of marriage and funerals.
Civilization began.

182. 神农氏,制耒耜。尝百草,德人誉。
invented plough-handles,
and tasted hundreds of herbs.
A virtuous man, who was given the praise.

183. 五帝者,远古帝。轩辕帝,九州立。
The Five Emperors,
Emperors of the early ages:
The emperor Xuanyuan
established nine continents.

184. 颛顼帝,驱共氏。帝喾帝,仁爱治。
The Emperor Zhuanxu
fought with Qugong-shi.
The Emperor of Diku
governed with the heart of charity.

185. 唐尧帝,禅让始。虞舜帝,倡孝悌。
The Emperor Tangyao:
since him, the system of Shanrang began.
The Emperor of Yushun
promoted filial piety and brotherly love.

186. 三王者,首夏禹。理水患,德泽宇。
The Three Kings:
the first one is King Yu of the Xia dynasty.
He controlled the floods;
his virtues gave favor to people in the land.

187. 商汤王,顺天意。西伯昌,羑演易。
King Tang of the Shang dynasty
obeyed the Heaven’s missions.
King Wen of the Zhou dynasty
wrote the Book of Changes while being seized in You.

188. 武伐桀,德天治。周武王,德王主。
King Wu conquered King Jie;
his virtues governed the states.
King Wu of the Zhou dynasty,
the Master of all virtuous kings.

189. 文武合,三王齐。周公旦,制乐礼。
Literary and military are united,
the three kings are completed.
The Duke of Zhou
invented music and rites.

190. 八百周,德安基。幽王腐,西周止。
The Zhou dynasty, which lasted for eight hundred years
was constituted on the base of virtues.
King You was corrupted,
the Western Zhou ended.

191. 平东迁,春秋始。战国乱,东周止。
King Ping of Zhou migrated to the East,
this is when the Spring and Autumn period began.
The Warring States became chaotic;
and the Eastern Zhou period ended.

192. 始皇帝,大统一。建秦朝,十四止。
The first emperor
created a grand unity.
Establishing the Qin dynasty
which lasted for fourteen years.

193. 楚汉争,汉胜利。邦建朝,西汉始.
There was a struggle between the Chu and the Han States.
The Han won the battle.
Emperor Liubang established a dynasty
and the Western Han began.

194. 文景治,家国利。汉武帝,奠汉地。
The Rule of Wen and Jing
benefited the state and families.
Emperor Wu of Han
founded the land of Han.

195. 辟丝路,尊儒术。莽篡权,西汉止.
Emperor Wu opened up the silk road,
reverenced the Confucian method.
Wang Mang usurped the throne,
and the Western Han ended.

196. 光武帝,东汉立。民休养,中兴世。
Then the Emperor Guang Wu
established the Eastern Han dynasty.
It was a nation of resting and multiplying,
and a state of peace and prosperity.

197. 魏蜀吴,三鼎力。丕篡汉,东汉止。
Wei Shu and Wu
fought for the sovereignty of the Han.
Pi usurped the Han Dynasty,
that is when the Eastern Han had an end.

198. 司马氏,废魏帝。统三国,西晋始.
disthroned the Emperor Wen.
He united the three states,
that is when the Western Jin began.

199. 愍帝降,西晋止。晋元帝,东晋立。
The Emperor Min surrendered
and the Jin dynasty was ended.
Then the emperor Yuan of Jin
established the Eastern Jin dynasty.

200. 裕废晋,东晋止。南北朝,始分离。
When Yu terminated Jin,
the Eastern Jin ended.
The Southern and Northern dynasties
began to divide.

201. 南宋齐,粱陈继。北朝魏,北东西。
The Southern and the Northern dynasties were established,
and after them, the Liang and Chen dynasties.
The Northern dynasties, the Wei dynasties.
which are split into Eastern and Western Wei.

202. 北齐周,五朝继。三百载,南北止。
After the Northern Qi and Zhou dynasties,
there were Five dynasties.
They lasted for three hundred years,
and the Southern and the Northern dynasties were ended.

203. 杨坚始,隋朝立。炀帝毙,隋朝止.
At the beginning of Yangjian,
the Sui dynasty was founded.
The Emperor Yang deceased,
and the Sui dynasty ended.

204. 渊父子,太原起。都长安,大唐始。
Yuan, the Emperor Gaozu and his son,
in Taiyuan they arose.
Choosing Changan, their Capital,
and constituting the great Tang dynasty.

205. 贞观治,奠盛世。唐盛期,开元治。
The rise of Zhenguan years
was the establishment of prosperity. was Kaiyuan governing.
The peak period of Tang dynasty
was Kaiyuan governing.

206. 安史乱,巢兵起。唐三百,粱灭之。
In the Rebellion of An Lushan,
gangsters arose.
The three hundred years of the Tang dynasty,
were destroyed by the Liang dynasty.

207. 五代起,十国始。桥兵变,赵宋始。
The Five dynasties arose
and the ten kingdoms began.
There was Chenqiao incident,
then the Zhao and Song dynasties began.

208. 靖康变,汴京失。二帝俘,北宋止。
There was Jingkang incident,
and the capital of Bianjing was lost.
The two emperors were seized,
and the Northern Song was ended.

209. 辽金夏,占北地。蒙古族,战统一。
The Dynasty of Liao, Jin, Xia,
occupied the lands in the North.
The Mongol empire
battled to unite.

210. 主中原,拓疆地。建元朝,九八止。
Owning the central plain,
developing its frontiers.
Establishing the Yuan dynasty,
after ruling for ninety eight years, the Mongol empire then was ended.

211. 明太祖,胡虏驱。都金陵,明朝始。
The emperor Hongwu
drove out the invaders, Xiongnu.
He set up the capital city, Jinling,
then the Ming dynasty began.

212. 迨成祖,迁燕地。十六世,崇祯止。
The Yongle Emperor
relocated its capital to Bejing.
There were sixteen emperors.
Chongzhen ended the dynasty.

213. 皇太极,清朝始。康乾代,号盛世。
Huang Taiji
founded the Qing dynasty.
The Kangxi period
was renowned as the era of prosperity.

214. 鸦片战,英敌入。南京约,丧权辱。
During the Opium wars,
the British invaded.
The Treaty of Nanjing was signed.
The nation deprived of sovereign right; feeling humility.

215. 战再起,圆明炬。北京约,平等失。
Once again, the war broke.
the Old Summer Palace was in flame.
The Treaty of Beijing was signed.
the equality was perished.

216. 甲午战,日谋蓄。马关约,清颓势。
It was the Japanese that premeditated
the First Sino-Japanese war.
The Treaty of Shimonnoseki was signed.
The power of Qing dynasty was weakened.

217. 八联军,紫禁入。辛丑约,国危机。
The Eight-Nation Alliance
invaded the forbidden city.
The Boxer Protocol:
the national crisis.

218. 革命兴,废帝制。民国建,清朝止。
When the Revolution arose,
the monarchy was demolished.
The republican nation was established,
then the Qing dynasty was ended.

219. 四九年,建国始。都北京,中华立。
The year of nineteen forty nine,
was the beginning of the founding of the nation.
Its capital is in Beijing.
China stood up.

220. 古今史,全在兹。载治乱,兴衰知。
Histories of the ancient and the present
are all embraced in the above.
They contain examples of good and bad governments,
whence may be learnt the principles of prosperity and decay.

221. 史虽繁,读有次。史记一,汉书续。
Though histories are complex,
their readings have orders.
The first one is the Records of the Grand Historian.
The Book of Han proceeds.

222. 后汉三,国志四。兼证经,通鉴比。
The third one is the Book of the Later Han,
and the fourth one is the Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms.
While reading, refer to the classics,
and compare knowledge with the Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance.

223. 读史者,考录实。通古今,史训记。
Those who read histories
shall think and study truths.
Whereby you will understand ancient and modern events,
the lessons of the histories are kept in mind.

224. 道德兴,必盛世。道德败,衰世必
The virtues are flourishing,
a world of prosperity shall be.
The virtues are decaying,
a world of crisis will be led.

225. 次章者,修养事。慧商启,正行继。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of developing character.
Wisdom intelligence is enlightened,
then rightful conduct proceeds.

 226. 明道德,考圣迹。慧商启,正行履。
Illuminate the way and the examples,
studying the prints of the sages.
Wisdom intelligence is enlightened,
walking the path of rightful conduct.

227. 孔学本,根伏羲。儒开山,道德启。
The root of Confucius’ studies
lies in Fuxi.
The revelation of Confucianism began,
wisdom was enlightened.

228. 韦编绝,苦研易。著十传,经添翼。
Confucius, his book strap ruined three times,
diligently studying the Book of Changes.
He wrote ten commentaries;
wings added to the classic.

229. 三人行,必有师。不耻下,项橐师。
When walking along with two others,
they may serve as my teachers.
Confucius was not ashamed to ask and learn of inferiors
and taking Xiang Tuo for his teacher.

230. 宋赵普,读论语。既为官,终生习。
Zhaopu of the Song dynasty
studied the Analect.
He, when already an official,
learning diligently nevertheless.

231. 竹春秋,蒲尚书。路公学,境困除。
The Spring and Autumn Annals,
Pushang wrote it on bamboo tablets.
Lugong studied,
a difficult condition was eliminated.

232. 头悬梁,锥刺股。孙苏学,身困除。
One tied his head to the beam above him;
another pricked his thigh with an awl.
Suqin studied,
a difficult life was eliminated.

233. 囊萤学,映雪读。胤康学,贫困除。
Then we have one who was learning by putting fireflies in a bag,
and again another who read by using the white glare from snow.
Yinkang studied,
a difficult body was eliminated.

234. 负薪读,角挂书。臣密学,时困除。
Again, there was one who read by carrying fuel,
and another one who used horns as pegs.
Chen and Mi studied,
a difficult time was eliminated.

235. 宋苏洵,二十七。始奋学,龄困除。
Sun Lao-Quan of the Song dynasty,
at the age of twenty-seven,
at last began to show his energy,
a difficult age was eliminated.

236. 洵既老,犹悔迟。我少年,宜反思。
Then when already past the age,
he deeply regretted his delay.
We, the youngsters,
should take thought some times.

237. 宋粱灏,过八十。殿君问,魁众士
Liang Hao of the Song dynasty
who was over eighty years of age,
in the great hall, the emperor asked him questions
and he came out first among many scholars.

238. 灏晚成,众称异。我老年,宜立志。
When later Lao had succeeded,
all men pronounced him a prodigy.
Our elders
should make up their minds to work.

239. 口诵文,心悟理。德正行,必成器。
Mouths singing verses,
minds enlightening meanings.
Virtues rightfully conducted,
craft useful persons.

240. 犬守夜,司晨鸡。人不悟,慧智失。
The dog keeps guard by night;
the rooster proclaims the dawn.
If you do not enlighten,
what is missing is wisdom.

241. 蚕吐丝,蜂酿蜜。愚痴懒,无价值。
The silkworm produces silk,
the bee makes honey.
foolishness, laziness,
have no values.

242. 幼而学,壮而立。成栋梁,国效力。
Learn while young,
and when grown up stand tall.
People transformed into backbone,
serve the homeland.

243. 利民心,创价值。成才俊,道德器。
Benefiting the public,
creating values,
turning into promising individuals
and the vessels of virtues.

244. 次章者,正行事。慧商启,兴盛世。
We speak in this chapter,
about courses of rightful conduct.
Wisdom intelligence enlightened,
striving for a world of prosperity.

The root of mental illness
lies in foolishness.
is a fine remedy.

To enlighten the way and the examples;
to understand reasons;
an affection of knowing oneself;
and to have a proper stance.

247. 修养博,悟真理。向善行,求美意。
To extensively develop character;
to enlighten truth;
to approach goodness;
and to pursue the meanings of beauty.

Great love is extensive;
a heart has no self.
Sacrifice is happiness,
a set of complete virtues.

249. 三字经,文明诗。师自然,慧智启。
Three Character Classic
is a poem of civilization.
An apprentice of nature
which enlightens wisdom.

250. 三字经,文脉诗。中华脉,根伏羲。
Three Character Classic
is a poem of humanities.
The veins of China
were rooted in Fuxi.

251. 三字经,文化诗。族文化,自信起。
Three Character Classic
is a poem of culture.
The culture of one’s own ethnicity,
lets confidence arise.

252. 民族兴,道德基。道文化,德国基。
The striving of the ethnicity
is derived from morals, virtues.
The culture of the Tao,
is the nation’s virtuous base.

253. 中华梦,道德基。道凝神,德聚气。
The dream of China
is derived from morals, virtues.
The Tao is gathering spirits
and the Te is collecting energies.

254. 人类本,道德基。道同根,德共体。
The origin of humankinds
is derived from morals, virtues.
The Tao is the root,
the Te is shared bodies.

255. 法自然,扬正气。命运和,大同世。
The law of nature teaches us,
spreading righteous energy.
A harmonious fate
gives us a world of grand unity.

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