Saturday, April 28, 2018


(Revised and supplemented by Shanlin-Tzu)
“弟子入则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众, 而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文”
“A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to their elders. They should be earnest and truthful. They should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When the youth has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, they should employ them in polite studies”
Analects, Xue Er
1. 道体生,德用运,弟子明,德慧人。
The body of the Tao grows,
the use of the Te revolves,
the students are illumed,
virtues grant wisdom to humans.

2. 德仁义,礼智信, 弟子启, 德树人。
The virtues are benevolence, righteousness,
of propriety, wisdom and trust.
The students are inspired,
virtues build humans.

3. 自我育, 德慧心, 弟子悟, 德育人。
Teaching oneself,
virtues grant wisdom to hearts.
The students are enlightened,
virtues nurture humans.

4. 正行起,五德运,弟子规,德规人。
Rightful conducts arise,
five virtues revolve.
The rules for students,
virtues rule humans.

5. 仁德彰,大爱心, 仁行起,仁德运。
A benevolent virtue reveals
a heart of great love.
Benevolent deeds arise,
benevolent virtues revolve.

6. 羊跪乳,感哺恩,鸦反哺,报老亲。
A goat breeds on their knees,
giving thanks to the one who fills the mouth with food.
The back-feeding of a crow
pays a debt to old folks.

7. 父母辛,养育恩,孝敬起,仁德运。
The father and mother’s painstaking efforts,
a debt of breeding.
Filial reverence arises,
the benevolent virtue revolves.

8. 恩不报,孝道泯,辱尊长,道不亲。
Not paying the debt,
the Tao of filial is ruined.
Disgracing honorable elders,
the Tao is remote.

9. 长富我,孝易尽, 长贫我,孝才真。
The elders enrich me,
filial piety easily ends.
The elders impoverish me,
filial piety is true.

10. 长慧言,虚心问,长愚痴,助启真。
For the elders’ wise thoughts,
a humble heart asks.
The elders’ follies,
assist them to realize the truth.

11. 长慧言,须记心,长痴行,提省慎。
The elders’ wise words,
we must keep in minds.
The elders’ witless deeds,
we carefully remind them.

12. 长间谈,莫扰侵,长与谈,听专心。
When the elders’ are talking,
do not interrupt.
When the elders talk to you,
listen with full attention.

13. 长有过,慧谏尊,己有过,自省身。
If you recognize faults in your elders,
wisely exhort them to change for the better.
If you recognize faults in yourself,
reflect and correct them.

14. 谏不受,莫怨亲,长慧责,受虚心。
If the elders can’t accept your advice,
do not grumble about the dear one;
The elders’ wise scolding,
accept with faithful compliance.

15. 陪长出,为开门,出归来,物为拎。
Accompany the elders to go out,
opening doors for them.
Return from outside,
carrying bags for them.

16. 冬暖长,夏凉尊,晨询长,夜助寝。
In the winter, make sure they are warm,
in the summer, make sure they are cool.
In the morning cheerfully greet them,
In the evening, prepare them for a good night.

17. 出禀告,返复尊,游常联,信息问。
Tell your parents if you plan to go out;
report to them when you get back.
When traveling on the road,
keep in touch, send messages.

18. 事虽微,问慧亲,少弯路,成慧人。
No matter how small the affair,
ask the wise dear elders.
Then you go through less curvy way of life,
become a wise person.

19. 物虽小,戒私隐,私藏漏,长伤心。
Although a thing may be small,
don’t save it just for youself.
For if you hoard things for yourself,
your elders’ hearts will be grieved.

20. 长所好,备尽心,长所恶,除应慎。
Whatever the elders like best,
You should provide with a full heart.
Whatever your parents dislike,
you should do your best to cautiously discard.

21. 己有恙,忧长亲,德有缺,耻亲心。
If you carelessly injure your body,
your parents will worry and fret.
If you heedlessly damage your virtue,
you bring shame and disgrace to your parents.

22. 长有疾,服侍勤,昼夜侍,莫远亲。
When your parents are ill,
take care of them with diligence.
Wait on them day after day,
at their bedside by day and by night.

23. 长亲丧,莫伤心,行道德,告慰亲。
Elders pass away,
do not overly mourn.
Carry out the morals and virtues,
console the dear elders.

24. 丧合礼,祭诚尽,仪从简,德宣亲。
Don’t drink wine or eat meat during this period of mourning;
take care of their funeral arrangements, make offerings on their behalf.
Ceremonies shall be simple,
to declare parents with virtues.

25. 敬天地,爱众人,道本具,德性运。
Respect heaven and earth,
cherish all living beings.
The Tao is naturally possessed,
The virtuous nature revolves.

26. 存爱心,推己人,仁德性,心身存。
Keeping a loving heart,
carrying out kindness to others.
The benevolent virtuous nature
heart-and-body holds.

27. 同是人,育不均,愚俗众,慧雅珍。
People are the same,
the teachings they receive differ;
There are many who follow the crowd,
the few are the wise and elegant.

28. 德仁者,众人钦,言不讳, 色不嗔。
Those who have virtuous benevolence
are admired by others.
They don’t hide behind words,
or they don’t have angry looks.

29. 能近仁,幸福临,德日进,过失遁。
To follow the true benevolence
will bring contentment.
Virtue will increase day by day,
and mistakes will slowly fade away.

30. 不亲仁,烦恼临,德日减,坏事近。
Not to follow benevolence
will bring harm.
Virtue will decrease day by day,
everything will go away.

31. 仁中道,道性存,仁行起,仁德运。
The benevolence, the middle way,
the nature of the Tao sustains.
Benevolent conducts arise,
benevolent virtues revolve.

32. 义德彰,奉献心。义行起,义德运。
The righteous virtue displays,
a heart of sacrifice.
Righteous deeds arise,
righteous virtues revolve.

33. 义战马,救主身。德义犬,不嫌贫。
A righteous war horse,
saves its master.
A dog of virtuous righteousness,
ignores hardship.

34. 凡人类,爱同均,天同育,地同孕。
For all creatures throughout the world,
one should cherish them.
The sky covers all of us equally,
the earth bears all humankind.

35. 轻功利,重义亲,奋勇敢,救危临。
Underrate benefits,
emphasize righteousness.
Strive for bravery,
in front of challenges, save others.

36. 德高者,名望人,慧智高,望自震。
Those who are with high morality,
thereby enjoy great prestige.
Wisdom is sublime,
prestige wins by itself.

37. 人所重,非靓身,人所服,行德人。
The chief importance that people attach
is not ornamented appearance.
People submit to those
who act out virtues.

38. 行方便,利他人,贪便宜,损德深。
Giving convenience,
benefiting others;
Taking advantages,
deeply injures virtues.

39. 己有能,莫唯亲,人有能,莫轻损。
The abilities you yourself have
should not be used to attain selfish goals.
The abilities others may have
should not be belittle and scored.

40. 戒谄富,戒骄贫,戒凌弱,戒霸混。
Guard against flattering the rich,
or being arrogant against the poor.
Guard against insulting the weak,
or using force and wasting time.

41. 人忙碌,莫烦身,人不安,莫扰心。
If you see people who are busy,
leave him alone until they are free.
If you see people are upset,
don’t annoy them with idle chatter.

42. 人有短,私下论,人有私,莫传人。
Although you may know someone’s faults,
discuss them in private.
The personal business of others,
should not be the subject of talk.

43. 言人善,即善心,人知之,愈勉勤。
Praising the virtue of others
is itself a virtuous deed.
When people hear they’ve been praised,
they will want to improve even more.

44. 说人短,非善心,扬之甚,招痛恨。
There is nothing good in talking of others’ shortcomings.
If they hear,
they will surely resent it.
They will see you mean nothing but trouble.

45. 善必励,两德馨,过不劝,两德损。
We should urge each other towards goodness,
and develop both parties’ virtues.
If our faults are not discussed and corrected,
the two parties will surely stray from morals.

46. 凡取与,义德分,与人多,取少人。
The amount you give and you get
should always be clearly distinguished;
Make sure that you give more,
and take less.

47. 将求人,先自问,己不欲,止求人。
Before seeking for help,
first you should question yourself.
What you would not wish to have done,
do not do to others.

48. 恩思报,怨忘尽,德报怨,常感恩。
Kindness must be returned,
Let enmity just fade away.
Injury should be recompensed with kindness,
often give thanks.

49. 待他人,德行身,行端正,慈容心。
A body of virtuous conducts
is the way to treat others.
Not only be fair, proper and just,
you should also be kind and forgiving.

50. 势压人,难服心,德服人,悦服心。
If you try to rule others by force,
people’s hearts are hardly subdued.
If you lead them with virtue,
people’s hearts submit.

51. 济世志,常怀心,居高位,心牵民。
Keep a will to assist the world
in your heart.
From a high stance,
a heart worries about others.

52. 不图报,广施恩,轻名幻,重德因。
Do not ask to be repaid,
extensively confer benefits.
Demean illustrious fame,
dignify virtuous cause.

53. 不暗伤,磊落心,不怠慢,德爱人。
Do not secretly harm,
keeps a heart open and upright.
Avoid ignorance,
virtuously love.

54. 少自卑,多自信,不妄求,德成人。
Be less self-abasing,
be more self-confident.
Do not chase unnecessary desires,
virtues complete humans.

55. 行正直,坦然身,通达宽,乐观心。
Upright conduct,
an unperturbed body.
An open and extensive mind,
an optimistic heart.

56. 扬正气,助好人,义行起,义德运。
Spread positive energy,
assist good persons.
Righteous deeds arise,
righteous virtues revolve.

 57. 礼德彰,求美心,礼行起,礼德运。
A virtue of propriety displays,
a heart pursuing beauty.
Deeds of propriety arise,
virtuous proprieties revolve.

58. 雁礼运,头尾循,蚁礼运,四型分。
The propriety of geese revolves,
Adheres from head to tail.
Ants’ propriety revolves,
clusters at the four corners.

59. 万物序,伦理人,礼源爱,定位遵。
The order of all things,
ethical humans.
Propriety comes from love,
obeys the proper stances.

60. 同行走,路让尊,物帮拿,前后分。
Walk in the same direction,
yield the road to the honourable.
Help carry things,
divide between the front and the back.

61. 路遇长,礼貌问,敬心起,应称您。
If you meet an elder while walking,
greet them politely.
A respectful heart arises,
addresses with courtesy.

62. 乘下车,立恭尊,待走过,方行进。
If an elder is walking and you are getting in and out of the car,
stand with respect and reverence.
Respectfully wait till they pass you
before you continue on in your car.

63. 饮食时,筷迟伸,长动后,己再跟。
When drinking, eating,
slowly reach.
Wait till the superior or elders make a movement,
then self follows.

64. 长者立,要起身,长请坐,端茶饮。
When the superior person is standing,
the young one should rise.
Invite the superior person to sit,
bring tea for them to drink.

65. 尊长前,轻柔音,低不闻,不适亲。
Speak softly in front of your elders,
in a gentle and tender voice that pleases the ear.
But you are wrong if you are speaking so softly
that no one can hear.

66. 长呼人,即代寻,人不在,己亲询。
If the elder is looking for someone,
you should help search.
If the person you seek cannot be found,
inquire and report what you learned.

67. 进宜趋,退宜稳,问起对,要专心。
Greed your elders promptly,
and take your leave slowly.
Answer questions respectfully,
give full attention.

68. 师长名,呼应慎,敬师长,感恩心。
Speak he names of teachers and elders,
using the proper terms of respect.
Respect teachers and elders,
give heart-felt thanks.

69. 师传道,启慧心,师授业,智艺身。
Teachers preach truth,
reveal a wise heart.
Teachers teach knowledge,
equip intelligence and arts.

70. 师解惑,学问真,师生情,比海深。
Teachers dispel doubts,
obtain genuine scholarship.
The affection between teachers and students
is deeper than the sea.

71. 兄道友,弟恭亲,兄弟睦,礼德仁。
When the older children are friendly
and the younger children are respectful.
Then brothers and sisters won’t fight,
knowing the virtue of propriety is benevolent.

72. 轻财物,怨难侵,言语忍,忿自泯。
Don’t think of wealth and materials as important,
or else they will feel resentful.
When words are tolerated,
anger naturally dissipates.

73. 家来客,恭敬亲,让尊位,热茶跟。
Host house guests with
reverence, respect, affection.
Yield the honorable seat,
hot tea follows.

74. 与人约,守时遵,常迟到,人不尊。
When meeting others,
stay punctual.
Being late on a regular basis,
other will not respect.

75. 交谈时,忌分神,握手时,礼躬身。
When talking,
don’t let your eyes dart around.
When shaking hands,
bow with respect.

76. 社会繁,依礼运,同和谐,礼敬心。
Dynamic societies
are in accordance to the revolving of propriety.
Harmony in togetherness,
a heart of propriety, reverence.

77. 情相通,意互蕴,礼行起,礼德运。
Hearts are connected,
Affections bring us together.
Deeds of propriety arise,
virtuous proprieties revolve.

78. 智德彰,慧真心,慧行起,慧德起。
A virtue of wisdom displays,
a wise and truthful heart.
Wise deeds arise,
virtue of wisdom revolves.

79. 羚挂角,慧迹隐,兔三窟,智藏身。
An antelope uses it horns to hang itself on a branch,
the wise animal’s prints are concealed.
Rabbits possessing three holes,
wisely hide themselves.

80. 明道性,懂理论,知己情,定位准。
Realizing the nature of the Tao;
understanding principles;
the sincerity of knowing oneself;
taking a definite stance.

81. 慧不惑,是非分,明盛衰,通古今。
Wisdom, no doubts,
differentiate right from wrong.
Knowing flourishing, declining,
communicating with the past and the present.

82. 审度势,晓事因,时至行,随机顺。
Carefully estimate motions,
comprehend the causes of occurrences.
Taking actions at the best time,
conformed to the right moment, succeed.

83. 事物变,成竹心,思如泉,灵感纷。
Things are changing,
having a card up your sleeve.
Thoughts as running streams,
insights are numerous.

84. 明道理,省心身,慧心思,智身运。
Realizing truth,
contemplate heart-and-body.
A wise and reflecting heart,
an intelligent body revolves.

85. 智博学,慧创新,学知要,用适今。
Intelligence demands extensive learning,
wisdom innovates;
Learning the essentials,
the application of them accommodates the present.

86. 慧运智,通达心,只重智,机械人。
Wisdom operates intelligence,
an open and embracing heart.
If we emphasize only intelligence,

87. 不力行,只博闻,长浮华,成何人。
Cultural refinements have value,
but not at the expense of real work.
If you’re just superficially polished,
then what can you expect to become?

88. 但力行,不博闻,执偏见,昧理真。
But if you do nothing but work
and do not acquire extensive information;
You will be bound by narrow views,
your notion of truth will be murky.

89. 学贵悟,境无尽,愚与慧,迷悟分。
Enlightenment is prized in learning,
breaking-boundary is continuous;
Follies and wisdom,
division of ignorance and awakening.

90. 道德扬,自然心,人格美,众人钦。
Virtues arise,
a heart of naturalness;
A beautiful human character,
the multitudes appraise.

91. 慧德明,智古今,行大道,和光尘。
The virtue of wisdom illumined,
wisdom throughout the past and the present.
Walking on the great path,
agree with brightness and the obscurity of others.

92. 智中和,慧性存,慧行起,慧德运。
The intelligence of equilibrium and harmony,
the nature of wisdom exists;
Wise deeds arise,
virtue of wisdom revolves.

93. 信德彰,诚信心,信行起,信德运。
The virtue of trust displays,
a heart of honesty.
Deeds of trust arise,
the virtue of trust revolves.

94. 鸡司晨,信德音,牛勤劳,诚德身。
The rooster proclaims the dawn,
sounds of virtuous trust.
Laborious cows,
bodies of virtuous trust.

95. 行必果,言必信,信德具,立世本。
To carry out what we do,
to be sincere in what we say;
The virtue of trust provided,
the root to stand among humans.

96. 失信誉,远朋亲,人受骗,不再信。
Honesty is lost,
friends and relatives are away from you.
People who are deceived,
no longer trust.
97. 慎言语,戒妄论,一诺言,重千金。
Making cautious speeches,
guards against improper comments.
Promised words,
as heavy as lead.

98. 守底线,致富勤,投机者,必遭恨。
Holding firm to bottom line,
diligence leads wealth;
Opportunistic humans,
suffer from hate.

99. 遵纪规,守本分,莫赖账,讲诚信。
Holding firm to bottom line,
diligence leads wealth;
Opportunistic humans,
suffer from hate.

100. 凡出言,必有信,诈与妄,焉为人。
Whatever it is that you say,
you should speak so that you can be trusted.
Tell the truth so others can believe you;
to lie is against human nature.

101. 言贵真,沉默金,语贵实,绝欺心。
Truth is prized in words,
silence is gold.
Honesty is prized in speeches.
free from a deceitful heart.

102. 刻薄语,污秽淫,市侩气,应戒慎。
Don’t use words to be mean and cruel
or speak about things that are coarse.
Let your language be pure and correct,
stay away from all that’s unworthy.

103. 见未真,莫轻信,知未的,莫轻肯。
If you haven’t seen something quite clearly,
don’t easily believe it.
If you are not sure about what exactly happened,
don’t lightly spread it.

104. 事非宜,慎回音,如轻诺,两难进。
If conditions are not favorable,
don’t lightly promise.
If one lightly promises,
then both going forward do it and backing off from doing it are wrong.

105. 好公民,重诚信,信行起,信德运。
Good citizens,
attach importance to honesty;
deeds of trust arise,
the virtue of trust revolves.

 106. 修养者,向善心,修养起,五德运。
People who develop character
have hearts approaching goodness.
Character-development arises,
five virtues revolve.

107. 鹰重生,喙羽新,蛇衣蜕,又一新。
The rebirth of an eagle,
who uses its beak to plunk out its feather;
A snake sheds its skin,
one new being.

108. 自然道,社会人,经史子,集学勤。
Natural Tao,
social being;
Classics, history, philosophy,
these works are studied with diligence.

109. 文史哲,慧德心,诗书画,美德心。
Literature, history, philosophy,
a heart of virtuous wisdom.
Poetry, calligraphy, painting,
a heart of virtuous beauty.

110. 数理化,真德心,心身慧,善德心。
Mathematics, physics, chemistry,
a heart of virtuous truth.
A wise heart-and-body,
a heart of virtuous good.

111. 修养博,慧智人,智识博,慧思真。
To cultivate extensively,
wise humans.
To learn extensively,
thoughts of wisdom are truthful.

112. 见人善,思齐人,纵去远,亦渐进。
On seeing good habits in others,
you should strive to imitate them.
Even if you don’t match up to them now,
preserve and one day you will catch up.

113. 见人恶,内省身,有则改,无警慎。
On seeing bad habits in others,
reflect on your own shortcomings.
If you have the same faults,
correct them; if not, never let them arise.

114. 唯德才,艺高深,有差距,当勤奋。
If your virtue, learning
and talents don’t measure up to others.
then spur yourself to work harder,
accept nothing less than your best.

115. 闻过怒,闻誉晕,益友却,损友进。
If you are angry when told of your faults,
and happy when praise comes your way;
wholesome friends will stay away,
harmful friends will draw near to you.

116. 闻誉恐,闻过欣,诚信人,谦恭亲。
If compliments make you uneasy,
and hearing your faults makes you glad.
Trustworthy friends
will then gradually come to your side.

117. 无心非,谓错人,有心非,谓恶人。
When an error is not made intentionally,
it is simply called a mistake.
But to deliberately do something wrong is not a mistake,
but a evil.

118. 过能改,错离身,如掩饰,错更深。
If you can reform your offenses,
your faults will all disappear.
But trying to cover them over,
makes your offenses more severe.

119. 读书法,三到勤,心眼口,慧智引。
The way to study
requires three things coming together:
heart, eyes, and mouth,
wisdom guides.

120. 刚读此,又分神,此未终,彼莫临。
When you begin reading one book,
don’t divide attention;
when the first book hasn’t been finished,
don’t start another one.

121. 宽限时,用功紧,工夫到,慧自馨。
Let your goals be lofty and broad,
let your efforts be focused and steady.
Once you have skill and experience,
you will solve every problem with ease.

122. 心有疑,随记本,慧智人,确意问。
When a question comes up,
make note of it before you forget.
Then ask wise people,
who will know and can explain the precise meanings.

123. 书房洁,境无尘,桌案理,学舒心。
Your room should be kept neat and tidy
with walls and floors uncluttered and clean.
Your desk should be kept in good order,
learning with a heart of ease.

124. 墨研偏,意不纯,字迹俗,心病因。
If your desks and papers are messy,
it is likely your mind’s mixed up too.
If your writing is sloppy and careless,
It is likely your mind is not focused.

125. 书看毕,定处存,分门类,便查询。
After finishing reading books,
store them in a proper place;
categorize them,
so it is easy to search.

126. 遇急出,整书本,爱书籍,防缺损。
Though there may be an emergent matter and you need to go,
properly close books and notes.
Treasure books,
avoid damages.

127. 损德书,读应慎,蔽慧智,败德心。
Books that destroy virtues,
are not something you should be reading.
Wisdom is clouded by such books,
which corrupt virtuous hearts.

128. 修养己,要终身,修行起,五德运。
Develop one’s character,
a life-long practice.
Moral restoration arises,
five virtues revolve.

129. 正行者,无私心,正行起,五德运。
Humans of rightful conducts,
a heart of selflessness.
Rightful conducts arise,
five virtues revolve.

130. 蚕无私,奉全身,信鸽行,坚初心。
Silk warm has no self
and sacrifices the whole body.
Homing pigeon travels,
a determined beginner’s mind.

131. 位卑微,忧国心,坚信念,理想真。
Low and humble status,
a heart is anxious for the homeland.
A steadfast faith,
genuine ideals.

132. 敬业勤,担责任,友善和,讲诚信。
Reverently attentive to the work,
upholds duties.
A good and harmonious friend,
with all right-heartedness.

133. 爱自然,大爱心,向善行,做好人。
Love nature,
a heart of great love.
Approaching good,
being good people.

134. 讲科学,除愚心,勤俭廉,耻贪嗔。
To believe in science,
to take off ignorance.
Hardworking, disinterestedness,
is ashamed of greed and rage.

135. 恬淡静,纯粹心,忌庸俗,求雅文。
A phlegmatic temper,
a pure heart.
Abstains from vulgarity,
Searches for discourses of grace.

136. 常宽恕,莫嗔恨,德抱怨,受辱忍。
Often forgive,
Do not complain, hate.
Virtues against resentment,
enduring disgrace.

137. 不讥谤,宽厚仁,礼让先,义舍身。
Do not ridicule,
large-hearted, kind.
Complies first to the rules of propriety,
righteously giving up their lives.

138. 莫妒贤,包容心,莫戏谑,恭敬人。
Not resentful to worthy people,
an open-mind.
Not skillful at quips and jokes,
be reverent and respect others.

139. 莫逞强,谦让心,莫执念,随缘存。
Do not flaunt strengths,
a heart to accommodate.
Do not hold one’s own thoughts,
accept what comes according to circumstances.

140. 莫焦躁,平和心,远争执,亲和顺。
Do not be impatient,
a heart of satisfaction.
Away from disputes,
close to harmony, conformity.

141. 败德事,勿染侵,沾染者,害心身。
We are not contaminated by
affairs that harm virtues.
Those who are influenced,
damaging heart-and-body.

142. 远杀戮,护生亲,戒盗犯,守法人。
Distant from death,
preserve lives;
do not commit crimes,
being the one who obey laws.

143. 处世应,慧智对,平常事,更需慎。
When conducting oneself in life,
deals with wisdom;
Ordinary affairs,
earnestness is required when deal with ordinary affairs.

144. 神静定,清淡心,心虚谷,莫粉饰。
A quiet and settled spirit,
a light mind.
A heart of empty vale,
do not whitewash.

145. 重养生,衡心身,酒色淡,财气慎。
To attach importance to nourishing lives,
to harmonize the heart-and-body.
Distant from wine, beauty,
wealth, and temperament.

146. 行有仪,言语纯,淡玩乐,惜光阴。
Conducts have peculiar forms,
words are pure.
Play is insipid,
cherish time.

147. 凡说话,清舒亲,戒急疾,莫含混。
When you speak,
say the words clearly, distinctly and smoothly.
If you talk too fast or you mumble too low,
no one will hear you.

148. 莫揭短,诬他人,不谣传,语伤人。
Do not dare to reveal shortcomings,
delude others;
do not spread rumors,
words hurt others.

149. 事慎急,急易紊,莫畏难,忌轻心。
There is no need to be in a hurry.
If you rush you will make a mistake.
Don’t be afraid of what’s hard,
and don’t be careless with what’s easy.

150. 朝早起,夜早寝,有规律,阴阳顺。
In the morning rise early,
at night go to sleep late.
Follow routines,
Yin and Yang are fulfilled.

151. 便洗手,洗漱晨,讲卫生,洁美心。
After you go to the toilet, use water and soap on your hands.
In the morning first wash your face, and next brush your teeth very well.
Sustain hygiene,
A heart clean and beautiful.

152. 帽戴正,纽扣匀,袜与履,俱齐紧。
You should put on your hat with care,
and fasten your buttons and snaps.
then pull up your socks very neatly,
and tie your shoelaces as well.

153. 放衣帽,定处稳,位置紊,乱烦心。
Your hat and other clothes
should be put in a secure place.
Don’t leave them just lying around,
or the disorder irritate your heart.

154. 衣贵洁,不贵新,素朴雅,求美韵。
Your clothes should always be clean,
if it’s not new and stylish, don’t worry.
Plain and graceful,
we seek aesthetic charm.

155. 对饮食,营养均,事适止,戒过甚。
Don’t fuss and complain about tastes when you’re given something to eat.
Having a balanced diet.
Eat enough so that you’re full,
but don’t eat more than you need.

156. 食简单,素食饮,不如人,莫卑心。
Eating simple meals,
plain food and drink.
While your friends have the newest and finest,
don’t be upset.

157. 年方少,戒酒饮,醉伤身,态羞人。
During the time when you’re young,
don’t drink alcohol or take harmful drugs.
To get drunk is disgraceful and ugly,
taking drugs brings you nothing but shame.

158. 步从容,端正襟,讲礼貌,恭敬心。
Your walk should be easy and graceful.
When you stand, keep your back tall and straight.
Believe in good manners,
show a heart of reverence and respect.
159. 立如松,莫斜身,坐如钟,莫摇频。
When you stand, you look like a pine tree,
do not slump;
When you sit, you look like a clock,
do not swing.

160. 未进门,问谁存,将入室,声使闻。
When you enter through a door,
ask if anyone is here.
When you enter a room,
call out your arrival.

161. 人问谁,对名真,吾与我,要明分。
If someone asks who you are,
answer by giving your name.
If you respond “it’s me”,
you’re not giving a proper reply.

162. 进有声,缓推门,防触物,行走稳。
To enter with sound,
slowly open the door.
Steady steps,
avoid bumping into objects.

163. 执虚器,满敬心,入虚室,敬有人。
You should carry an empty container as carefully as one that is full.
That is to show a heart full of respect.
And enter a room that is empty
as you would if a crowd is inside.

164. 借彼物,要还人,人借物,不悭吝。
If you borrow others’ things,
make sure you return them on time.
when you lend things to others,
don’t be stingy.

165. 用人物,须先问,如不问,属偷心。
If you use someone else’s belongings,
be sure you ask for permission.
If you don’t get the owner’s permission,
then stealing is what you have done.

166. 事诸父,如尊亲,事诸人,如胞亲。
You should treat everyone’s parents
just the same as you treat your own.
Treat all other people,
just the same as family members.

167. 长问路,要耐心,莫乱指,急家人。
When the elders ask for directions,
give patience.
Do not point in a disordered fashion,
or annoy others.

168. 长耳聋,附耳问,长目盲,搀行进。
Elders are hard of hearing,
speak close to their ears;
Elders are hard of seeing,
assist them by their arm, walk together.

169. 乘公交,扶长进,位让长,笑对欣。
Riding on the bus,
assist the elders by the arm.
Give seats to the elders,
happy smiles.

170. 遇孕妇,速起身,立让座,态和温。
Encountering pregnant women,
arise right away.
Give up seats immediately,
with gentle and warm manners.

171. 老人到,扶起询,伤就医,电告亲。
An elderly person falls,
help them get up, inquire.
Send elders to the hospital when they’re hurt,
contact their family by phone.

172. 公共场,规矩身,讲公德,莫喧音。
In public places,
a body of propriety.
Obey public rules,
don’t make noises.

173. 交易场,讲礼仪,人正端,德齐身。
In places of trade
we perform rites;
Righteous humans,
virtues equal actions.

174. 斗乱场,莫靠近,邪僻事,绝涉问。
Rowdy places,
stay away from them.
When affairs are low and improper, perverse,
they are not worthy of your talk or questions.

175. 德慧智,道体真,判善恶,鉴人心。
Virtuous wisdom,
the body of the Tao is true;
judge good and evil,
discern hearts.

176. 弟子规,德育人,正行起,五德运。
The rules for students,
virtues teach humans.
Rightful conducts arise,
five virtues revolve.

177. 德仁义,德礼信,德慧智,五德分。
Virtuous benevolence and righteousness;
virtuous propriety, truth;
virtuous wisdom;
five virtues differentiate.

178. 后天欲,蔽五真,五德昧,败心身。
Acquired greed
conceals five truths.
When the five virtues are absurd,
the human heart-and-body are defeated.

179. 只重知,焉创新,慧智育,道德人。
Attach importance to mere intelligence,
how to innovate?
Wisdom nurtures,
brings us to the Tao and the Te.

180. 民族兴,德正心,中华梦,道筑根。
The nation thrives,
virtues rectify hearts.
The dream of China,
The Tao forms the root base.

181. 弟子规,启慧文,五德运,是轴心。
The rules for students,
texts to enlighten truth.
Serving as axle
for the revolving five virtues.

182. 弟子规,适人人,无老少,无国分。
The rules for students
are proper to all humans.
No matter old and young.
it is without borders.

183. 弟子规,德规人,扬正气,大同欣。
The rules for students:
virtues rule humans;
Spread righteous force,
grant human unity and contentment.

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