Friday, December 18, 2015


(A poem of natural wisdom)

Edelweiss snowflake as catkins billowing

Plum flower rain as silver drapes falling

The earth extends her tender arms

 welcomes wanderers return afar

In river’s rushing torrents

Flows sunshine and moonlight

The mountain of a thousand miles shaped by ridges and pine-coloured

is bathed by rain drops for generations

The arrival of the spring breeze in harmony with life’s melody

Colours meadow’s hopeful dream with her singing greenery

Blazing summer days

Comfort the cool body of lake and sea

The old man of autumn playing the harvest drum

Presents golden fruit

Blowing flowers of pear trees dress the earth

piles fairy gold and silver


Among edelweiss snowflake as catkins billowing

In plum flower rain as silver drapes falling

Outside the tender arms the earth extending

Is yet playing a never-ended farce

Snowflake falling on the player’s heart

Freezes into an icy rock

Rain drops are knocking on the door of the heart

Like an estranged brother

Vast seas flood spirit

Majestic ridges block wisdom

River and torrents entangle offspring

At the base of the mountains kneel

Countless slaves 


Harmonious breeze of natural wisdom

Where are you blowing

Children of river and sea are expecting a wash

To wash greed

to wash selfishness

to wash foolishness

Harmonious breeze of natural wisdom

Where are you blowing

Slaves of mountains are expecting a cultivation

 To cultivate naturalness

to cultivate ease

to cultivate wisdom


In the opening arms of heaven and earth

let’s harmonize mountains and hills

let’s harmonize rivers and lakes

let’s harmonize seas

In the great family of natural universe

in the symphony of natural harmony

has never left one breath one word

One word

One breath

By Shanlin-Tzu

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